SwiftCloud and Customer Success

blog | May 3, 2023

At SwiftCloud we always envision a long and successful relationship with the businesses we work with. We want our clients to utilise our powerful B2B eCommerce to harness its powerful capabilities, to ensure fantastic results. Working closely with our clients, the goal of our Customer Success team is to make sure that businesses are fully equipped to present SwiftCloud to their users. Their job is also to help SwiftCloud become an integral part of our client’s business, to ensure a return on investment from SwiftCloud as soon as possible.

Ensuring Success

Our Customer Success Managers (CSM’s) are always on hand for our clients, going above and beyond to make certain that SwiftCloud is a successful endeavour for businesses who have chosen SwiftCloud to power their B2B ordering. This involves various meetings with clients including kick off meetings and customer update meetings. With constant communication between our CSM’s and clients, SwiftCloud will guarantee that businesses are fully equipped and ready to fully harness B2B eCommerce to its full potential.

From the moment a new client comes onboard our CSM’s are always keen to understand what it was that led them to choose SwiftCloud and their expectations on how it will address their current issues. This not only helps guide the personal journey of our clients, but provides invaluable insight into the requirements of their business. Although SwiftCloud is the same product, it works differently for different businesses. The job of our CSM’s is to make sure the solution adapts to fit with the unique demands of the business in the day to day.

Our CSM’s also offer training to the staff members of clients to make certain that they know the ins and outs of SwiftCloud before they launch the platform. With prior knowledge of what works and what doesn’t work for businesses, our Customer Success team will also provide useful advice and tips to clients in terms of launching and advertising SwiftCloud.

Ongoing Support

After a successful launch our CSM’s will continue to check in with our clients throughout their journey, providing them with monthly reports, guidance and advice. As well as being on hand for any queries or concerns about SwiftCloud.

This is all part of the Customer Success service provided by SwiftCloud to ensure that SwiftCloud is a resounding success for the businesses that put their faith in to us powering their B2B eCommerce platform.

If you’re looking to kickstart your SwiftCloud journey then get in touch by emailing sales@swiftcloud.co.uk or giving us a call on 03333 447 557.

Book your custom demo

Are you ready to grow your business with SwiftCloud?
We’re at the ready to give you an amazing demonstration of the SwiftCloud modules. Simply fill out the form below to register for your custom demonstration, where we show you exactly how SwiftCloud can transform your B2B digital ordering processes.

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