5 ways to ensure a SwiftCloud success

blog | Aug 14, 2023

1. Promotion

Utilise the powerful connection of social media to grow your company and ensure SwiftCloud success by constantly advertising your app business improvements. You can do this on many different sites e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. However you can promote your app in many different ways. For example creating blog posts and case studies on your website, this will help drive traffic and notify your customers that you offer mobile ordering. Sending out promotional brochures will also help notify customers that still use traditional methods of ordering instead of the app. This will help ensure SwiftCloud success as your customers can find out more and start using the app for ordering.

2. Conversation

Keeping in touch with customers is a great way to ensure SwiftCloud success as you can inform them of new additions to the app or show newer customers the benefits of mobile ordering. Another great way to ensure SwiftCloud success is to make sure all your staff are on the same page. This can include things like posting on social media about achievements and improvements the app has made to the company. Staff members sending out weekly emails about the app can increase the amount of customers that start using your mobile app.

3. Training

SwiftCloud's customer success team can help teach and train Sales Managers. So they can use the sales manager app to stay up to date on the latest features and so they can use the full potential of the app. Ensuring everything runs smoothly without problems. The team can also listen to feedback and help you on specific enquiries about the app. Training allows you to utilise SwiftCloud's software to be as optimal as possible as you learn the ins and outs of how it works.

4. Catch ups with your Customer Success Manager

Staying on top of new suggestions and advice about SwiftCloud will mean you will know everything needed to use SwiftCloud at the highest level. They will also update you on how well you are ensuring your SwiftCloud success. Giving you advice on areas that need improving so that you can get the most of your customers using your mobile app. They will be the first to tell you about new updates and how to implement them to the best of your ability. This involves various meetings with clients including kick off meetings and customer update meetings. With constant communication between our customer success managers and clients, SwiftCloud will guarantee that businesses are fully equipped and ready to fully harness B2B eCommerce to its full potential.

5. Push Notifications

Your business is given complete control of any communication you send out to your customers. The information relayed through SwiftCloud's Push Notifications is completely customisable. Which makes it ideal for telling your customers about any special offers, new stock or seasonal promotions. Push notifications have a 97% read rate compared to 4% with email and is the most effective way to reach your customers. Not to mention, they also increase daily app opens by 540%! This is definitely one of the best ways to ensure SwiftCloud Success.

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